18 Jun June 13, 2024 General Meeting Notes
Tri-Co General Meeting 6.12.2024 notes...
Tri-Co General Meeting 6.12.2024 notes...
Lahina_Fire_Presentation FireSafe Helena would like to encourage you to attend a community discussion on the 2023 Maui Wildfires. June 12, 7 PM at the L&C Library. For more information see the attached flyer....
TCFSWG trifold brochure 8.75x14.25 PRINT...
Spring has sprung! The garden is starting to bloom and the new pavilion is taking shape too! Stop by and see the progress! ...
Property Owner Checklist_05.04.2024 In an effort to simplify and clarify the process for fuels mitigation projects, we have updated the Homeowner Checklist for easy reference. Check it out!...
In an effort to communicate the importance of identifying and understanding ignition risks, Tri-Co has worked with local TV and radio stations to encourage property owners to sign-up for our free risk assessments. Check out the ads below! Firesafe Generic 2024 v2: https://youtu.be/VLAykEPAOiI FireSafe Helena...
November Board Meeting Agenda Thursday, November 30th, 2023, TCFSWG Board Agenda 11.30.2023Time: 1:00 pm 925 Park, TCFSWG Office Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82583478444?pwd=OWgwWCtLR0IwN0RFckFHeVlEVjJSZz09 Meeting ID: 825 8347 8444 Passcode: 075457...