TriCounty FireSafe Working Group has launched a new program, “FireSafe Helena”, covering the highest risk area of Helena for the purpose of planning and preparing, so urban wildfires can occur in Helena without catastrophic loss.
In partnership with L&C County and the city of Helena Fire Department, FireSafe Helena has grant funding and technical assistance available for private landowners to ASSESS and REDUCE their risks to wildfire. Matching grant funds are available for qualified property owners who participate in a FREE home ignition zone safety visit (assessment).
Assessments focus on the home ignition zone; landscaping, home construction, slope, etc. If a risk reduction project is warranted, the assessment report will identify mitigation recommendations to reduce risks.
Yours and your neighbor’s risks may be shared… FireSafe Helena encourages neighboring property owners to work together If you (and your neighbors) are interested in scheduling a safety visit and learning more about how you can benefit from the program, go here FireSafe Helena for more information and the assessment application.